How to keep your business aligned.
When building your business and brand, you will most likely do a lot of research into what goes into a business, how to set a business up, brand colours etc.
This is all great stuff. But, what do you actually need in order to make sure your business aligns with what you are trying to acheive?
The first thing people work on is their branding - logos, and brand colours is a great place to start.
But then what?
In order to make sure your business fully aligns you have to know 4 things -
- Your vision
- Your mission
- Your values
- Your why
"Vision sees the stars; mission carves the path to reach them"
How do these all help a business to align?
Working on each of these 4 key areas will quickly show you how your business needs to be. Who you need to target, what decisions you should and shouldn't make, and it will create a whole ethos around your business that people will become away of.
- Your vision is the goal of what your business will be in the future. How will it look? Who will it help? Where will it be?
- Your Mission is all centred around the business - who does it serve? What are the objectives?
- Your values are the core values or standards that lead you to the decisions you make within your business.
To give you an idea, here is ours at The Flexible Working Strategist -
Our Vision - 'To create a space where women can learn to create a life that is fulfilling for them, without compromising time with their family'.
Our Mission - 'We help mum's have a flexible working lifestyle'
Our Values - Honesty, Action Taker, Nurturing and Passion.
Remember - These are not set in stone forever and ever - as your business evolves, so will your alignment. By having these, it allows a deeper understanding and gives you a much stronger stance on your business decisions.
If you want to know more, sign up below to our email list. We have our Free Ebook - Gain more time with time-blocking, which gives you free planners to download and use.
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